The Premier Female Health Check-Up is a comprehensive medical screening that covers the main areas of concern for women: heart, breasts, ovaries, cervix, thyroid, and bones. This extensive check-up can take up to four hours to complete and will give our doctors an insight into the current state of your health, helping our consultants to detect early signs of disease or any underlying conditions.
It includes:
– Consultation with a doctor
– Physical examination including blood pressure check
– Analysis of medical history and risk factors
– Resting Electrocardiogram
– Exercise Electrocardiogram Treadmill Test
– Echocardiogram
– CT Heart Scan (Coronary Calcium Score)
– Abdomen and Pelvic ultrasound scan
– Breast ultrasound (under 40s) or Mammography (over 40s)
– Blood Profile including: blood count, cholesterol, liver disease, kidney disease, metabolic diseases (diabetes)
– Thyroid function test
– Tumour markers (x2)
– Urinalysis
– Follow-up consultation including full medical report
Our rate: £2,060
To book an appointment or request more information on our Premier Female Health Check-Up, please complete the form below.