The Premier Male Health Check-Up is a comprehensive medical screening that covers the main areas of concern for men: heart, prostate, abdomen, liver, and lungs. This extensive check-up can take up to four hours to complete and will provide you with a detailed overview of the current state of your health, enabling our consultants to detect early signs of disease and any underlying conditions.

It includes: 

– Consultation with a doctor
– Physical Examination including blood pressure check
– Analysis of medical history and risk factors
– Resting Electrocardiogram test
– Exercise Electrocardiogram Treadmill Test
– Echocardiogram
– CT Heart (Coronary Calcium Score)
– Abdomen and Pelvic Ultrasound
– Blood Profile including: blood count, cholesterol, liver disease, kidney disease, metabolic disease (e.g. diabetes)
– Prostate Profile
– Thyroid Function Test
– Tumour Markers (x2)
– Urine Analysis
– Full medical report and follow-up consultation

Our rate: £1,920

To book an appointment or request more information on our Premier Male Health Check-Up, please complete the form below.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Contact Number

